From Here, together

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From Here,
do we move forward,
Into a future that is here, always here,
Where is the boundary between now > future?
Are we walking on the boundary, paving the ground underfoot?

To start, let our bodies continue to move through space and time,
space and time coming into being when things::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(of which bodies are included)
are in relation to things::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(of which bodies are included)
Falling forward
let’s dance, for dance involves the body (not only traditionally), but as an agent or a
medium condition – acquiring implicit knowledge and kinaesthetic awareness that creates
an extended body, which is capable to radiate and sense beyond its physical boundaries1,
turning, falling, landing, beyond, further, and further into the far surrounding.
Let us fall backward



Into reoccurring conversations, historic loops,
where ‘progress’ feels all at once attainable and artificial.
The feeling of the now.
Another Earth Rising
Future < < < < < < < < SPACE > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Out Yonder, what spaces can bodies occupy?
What bodies define space? How do bodies make space for solutions for the now, if the now is already here? Look Yonder

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.....ᐤᐝ .‰..* °ॅॱᐧॱॱᐧॱॱᐧॱॱ
.‰.. * .Slow ..ᐤᐤ ᐝ ᐝ. ᖕॱ.ॱ.*
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ᐤᐝ. ᖕ ំ៰ .‰. °ॅॱॱॱ.ॱॱᐧᐤ.ᔇᔊ Constellations.ॱॱᐧᐤ.ᔇᔊ °ॅॱᐧॱॱᐧॱږ׃ֻֻּּּּּ.ॱॱ
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.....ᐤᐝ .‰..* °ॅॱᐧॱॱᐧॱॱᐧ *
ᐤ ᖕ .ᔊᔋ. ֒֔׃ֻֻ°ॅॱᐧॱॱᐧॱ
Bumping to each other, the internal meets the external, back and forth, intermingling and bringing things into being. Pressures of space and time affects us, till New bodies form, or so they say, or so they imagine. What kind of experiences will they allow?
Regardless, the body will always provide us with a perspective: the body is "here"
as a point from which we begin, and from which the world unfolds, as being
both more and less over there (the future)2
Keep falling
All at once
Let's keep attending to the now of our bodies experiences, it
will surely take us somewhere.
Here we are again
Into reoccurring conversations, loops, returns,
here, there, here, there, here, there, here, there,
again and again and again and again and again and again,
is the feeling of the now, is the feeling of what’s coming.
I want to carry the body forward, into the future, through paying attention to it
I want to carry the body forward, into the future, through looking backwards
I want to carry the body forward, into the future, through moving
I want to carry the body forward, into the future, through perceiving
I want to carry the body forward, into the future, through relationships with corpora
I want to carry the body forward, into the future, through memory
I want to carry the body forward, into the future, through dancing
I want to carry the body forward, into the future, through being together

2. S. Ahmed, (2006), Queer phenomenology : orientations, objects, others


Written by Emma Fishwick in Perth, Australia on Whadjuk Nyoongar.

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How will we take our bodies with us into the future